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Body hair is beautiful

When my natural beautiful raw unconventional look of growing my armpits made people shocked :) Because society’s standards of a womans beauty has been shaped by unrealistic portrayals in the media that say YES to thin women and shaving your armpits because it's a lady like thing to do and

an artist’s description of intimacy

an artist's description of intimacy You've snatched my attention and hold it hostage Though I'd willingly give it to you I'll abide by your tempo just place me in ears reach My heart pursues your pulse in an attempt to match and at failure it stops I want to leave me to live inside of you perpetually

Stop running from the truth!

Dudes lust over the same type of girls that they shake their heads at. They slut shame women yet go out every weekend looking for those same type of women. Men want to fuck the world, have all kinds of fetishes, and when they can’t have it they hate on

Mommy stat

Mommy stat: I wake up to my children and go to sleep with my children, I have for the past nine going on ten years straight consecutively. I wake up at 5 am every morning, get my own kids up and dressed, ready for school, put them on the bus, and

Books n Bros

Hazelwood School District thank you for allowing my son, Sidney Keys III to not only attend your board meeting this evening but also recognize him for his efforts as a child making a difference in Hazelwood MO and beyond. " Sidney started his own book club which he titled Books n

Real run in with “The Law”

I've stayed out of trouble my whole life but last year at 36 I had my first real run in with "The Law". I came home to Chicago to visit and one night I was suspiciously pumping gas………. PWB (pumping while black) and that was enough for the police to

Being an activist

My favorite part of being an activist is getting out there with the people. The "dirty work." I've done outreach work out in the streets with people who were at the lowest points in their lives. Some are homeless, some have addictions, some are prostitutes, some are just plain down
