Hazelwood School District thank you for allowing my son, Sidney Keys III to not only attend your board meeting this evening but also recognize him for his efforts as a child making a difference in Hazelwood MO and beyond. " Sidney started his own book club which he titled Books n
Author: zoddgalaxy staff
Real run in with “The Law”
Being an activist
The problem isn’t unwed children
“He better not be f—ing dead, he better not be f—ing dead,”
Stay at Home 2016
OKLAHOMA AND NATIONWIDE!:.This is one reason I NEVER BACK THE BLUE!..Are yall awake? ...Wow!..The talking is over!.OVER 25O YEARS THEY STILL KILLING US!..WE STILL HAVENT BEEN RECOMPENSATED FOR THE #THEBLACKHOLOCAUST!..AND YET AND STILL OUR Blood is being poured in the streets by these Killers who call themselves "POLICE".(Yea right) I
True story
All protests aren’t violent
Yesterday there were protests going on. Let's get 3 things straight: 1. If you put a negative connotation with protesting, stop. All protests aren't violent nor do they have the intention of being violent. And protestors aren't trouble makers. Oh yea and most protestors have jobs. 2. Just because we are black
What is a Corporation?
What is a Corporation? What is Common Law? What is Admiralty law? International Law? What is Lawful? What is Law? What is legal? there's a difference between lawful and legal. Definitions below Corporation – A non-human, fictitious entity. Corporate fictitious entities are denoted in all caps. This includes the names of Citizens/Subjects.