So spent my morning reading messages from people who felt the need to tell me that because Jay and I aren’t married I should be ashamed of myself for ruining our son’S life. One went so far as to drop two very important statistics 1. 50% of children born out of wedlock end up in one parent households 2. Children in one parent households have a 70% chance of ending in prison. Somebody went so far as to say non maritial children is what is wrong with the black community. So let me drop another very important statistic 50% of marriages end in divorce. That means my kid has a 50/50 chance of being in a one parent household whether I’m married or not. Jay and I take damn good care of our son and he is surrounded by love. People can judge how they want but both of us work our butts off to secure an amazing future for OUR kid TOGETHER. The problem isn’t unwed children the problem is boys who get girls pregnant and run away from their responsibilities leaving The woman to try and do a two people job. The problem is girls who have children and decide that they don’t want to be parents because they need to Enjoy life so they leave their parents to raise their children. Their problem is a society that consistently contradicts andshames people for choices that don’t affect them. The biggest problem is a government that neglects and criminalizes low class families in order to further the free market. People need to stop shaming parents for not having a status and start commending those that are raising amazing children MARRIED OR NOT
By:Ayana Clark