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Home > October 2016 > Stop running from the truth!

Stop running from the truth!

Dudes lust over the same type of girls that they shake their heads at. They slut shame women yet go out every weekend looking for those same type of women. Men want to fuck the world, have all kinds of fetishes, and when they can’t have it they hate on it. Misogynistic digs that lift one group of women up at the expense of putting another group of women down is a brainwashing tactic.img_2510

You can shake your ass like Amber Rose, be spiritual like Iyanla Vanzant, and cook for that nigga like Giada, that doesn’t mean he’s going to want you. All of these guys talking about wanting an Ayesha Curry will end up falling for various women who have little in common with Ayesha Curry. Understand that men like to hear themselves talk, it’s all theoretic. Stop feeling as if you have to fall in line with the views of men in order to get chosen. Guy A says he wants a girl like this. Guy B says he wants a girl like that. Are you going to spend your life trying to adapt to every characteristic these men swear they need or are you going to be confident enough to be who you truly are, to walk in your own shoes, and wear your own skin?img_2461 You shouldn’t be every man’s type; you should be the right man’s type! There is no one in this world like you, that’s what makes you special. Why would you ever want to trade yourself in so you can be like some other chick? If he wants a her, then he can go get a her.

The man you end up with will want a YOU, will do everything in his power to lock down a YOU, and will give his last breath to be with a YOU.img_2491

Stop running from your truth! I don’t care if you’ve had bad relationships or if you’re in one right now, recognize that you are your own savior. Embrace your uniqueness and stop feeding into this idea that it’s a competition of “get like her.” The only woman you will ever have to overcome is the one looking back at you in the mirror each morning. Lawd He Fine

By:Alley Poet

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