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He shouldn’t have touched her

I don’t care if this girl stole from this beauty supply it doesn’t warrant that Asian man kicking and choking a woman period.lock the damn doors call the police he shouldn’t have touched her . Black folks are so gullible . I see people saying she stole she deserved it both black men and women . That’s the problem we can’t agree on nothing no unity . So your saying if she stole even more than 3.00 lashes ,let’s say she stole 25.00 worth of things she deserved that , that man shouldn’t have touched her period .NOW LET ME ASK THIS WOULD THAT ASIAN DONE THAT TO A WHITE WOMAN…I SAY HELL NO . And for black men to say she shouldn’t have stole that sickens me cause you look weak. And for black women to agree y’all must think it’s ok for a man to hit you . Look if she stole lock the door call the police but dont put your damn hands on a woman . Even if she hit him he should not have touched her. MAN THE HELL UP AND STOP SUPPORTING THE IDEA THAT BLACK FOLKS ARE ANIMALS . YOU HIT MY SISTER YOU HIT ME PERIOD.

By:Rhonda Patton

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