Before I write this, keep in mind This is not up for a debate! (At Least not with me) Today's music artists are used solely to feminize the black male image Subliminal not out right There is a book (I can't remember where I read it) that lists the objectives of white supremecy One
March 2016
Inner city family
AMERICA YOU HAVE NO MORAL AUTHORITY!! Dear America, listen to me very closely, YOU HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO MORAL AUTHORITY OVER ANYTHING OR ANYONE!!!! America you have no valid opinion or outlook on any aspect of morality whatsoever. Please allow me to explain. America as we know it, is a country that was
Greedy for Gain By Mauricio Bell
Bump Beyoncé, Watch VV Brown’s “Sacrificial” IDGAF Anthem
Big Mil: Where I’ve Been
Artist of the month March 2016
This is a new generation of anger
As a pastor of a large innercity church in NC, I'm concerned that this divisive, schismatic political climate not only exposes a deep seated bigotry and hatred, but it is revealing painful wounds that were never healed. We should be warned, these young people/protesters are not the peaceful children of