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Two different black men murdered by police…i

Two different black men murdered by less than a week....many of us know this is wrong....many of us want to know what we can do....some of us are frustrated because marching protesting praying an voting havent worked for us.....well here is one thing we can do...we can fight back

No Shade

bothers me how some "Folks" find pleasure in putting others down smh and then have the nerve to put "No Shade" that's why I rarely use social media and can't wait to hire a promoter to run my social media pages so I don't have to look at them at


Throughout the history of America, the Black woman has been on the front lines of Black America’s struggle for freedom. She bares the scares of a history of rape, her children sold off into slavery, and witnessing the emasculation, incarceration and murder of her black man. Nonetheless, she

2 whom it may concern-R.I.P Prince

"[Web-Dorado_Zoom]", "If I could get your attention"/ "You knew" "My name is Prince" cause my music brought you"Joy repetition"/ "Here on Earth" "Your love is so hard" to say "Goodbye" to/ Thought we would be "2gether" "4ever", "God" "Had a change of plan", but "I'll always love you"/ "Everyday is a winding road" towards
