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My response on Get Out:

My response on Get Out: 1. Yes blacks are being abducted more than reported 1a. Yes you'll be looked at as crazy reporting a grown black human being as missing 2. There are white people who claimed to vote for Obama just to appeal to us 3. The mind of a black person is


WE HAVE EVERYTHING IT TAKES TO BUILD A NATION. WE JUST HAVE TO PUT IT TOGETHER. ITS TIME TO COME TOGETHER 1. THE Moorish Science Temple of America and The Universal Negro Improvement Association should make up the house of the GOVERNING PARTY to unite into one solid body the 400


And who is spreading the propaganda that "the only free people in the country are the white man and the black woman"? If this be freedom, then Heaven is hell, right is wrong, and cold is hot. Black men only say this because white man have been freely effing black women

Car was broken into

Car was broken into. Anyone know this guy? Description of person involved – Hair: Hoodie, Top: Blue hoodie, Bottom: Jeans, Shoes: boots?, Age: 25-50, Build: average, Race: black, Sex: male If you know Something please contact us at

Less Than

One of the psychological issues we have as a people is we view black-owned businesses as "less than". It's so deep in our minds that when we see one open up, we go straight into criticism mode or flaw-seeking even before we experience their product or service. We expect them to

Pray for a Safe return home for Monica

I normally will post a video talking about my daughter Monica Sykes' disappearance. But today I feel like I need to put this in words. Monica is my baby, my child and yes she is 25 years old, but she is still my child, 1 of six children, 1 of


It's sad to say that we live in a world and exist in a space where you can't show any signs of vulnerability and weakness it's something that's not allowed or looked down on in a world where shame and embarrassment rules ppl thoughts and limitations pride issues and ego


*****DEAR BLACK FOLKS.....If I hear one more ignorant , complaining , little school bus riding black person say Trump needs to bring in the fed which is Marshall law I'm gone slap the sense you should have back in your head.Do you even understand Marshall Law . When you have
