2 years later
(Tales of a photographer)
Man…you see some of everything in this business. This morning I got a message from someone who said that they paid for a photoshoot almost 2 years ago that never happened. She said that I told her that she could use that towards a future shoot. (Doesn’t sounds like a conversation I would have).
2 years later, she tells me she’s ready to use the money she paid me for the shoot.
There’s no history of that payment in my cash app. There’s no history of that conversation in my messenger. So I simply asked for written proof that payment was made and that we actually had that conversation. If she could find it, I would do the shoot for her.
She said that it was verbal (of course), and that she didn’t have proof of payment (of course). And then I got accused of trying to keep $150 from 2 years ago. And threatened to “never reccommend anyone to you”.
First of all, I’ve done 500+ shoots in the last 2 years. I definitely make sure everything is written for situations like these.
Secondly…anyone who works with me, knows that I don’t accept full payment for shoots ahead of time. I only accept deposits…just in case a cancellation needs to occur.
You can say anything you want about my work…but my reputation is important to me.
I don’t “need” the money I make from photography. I do ok in my profession. I will NEVER try to get over on ANY one to make a few dollars. It’s not worth it.
But I’m not going to let people take advantage of me either.
By:raymond kennedy jr