Unit of Brotherhood
We are a unit
Voices heard loud and clear not wearing a tunic
Positive energy emerging
Vibes positive and continuously surging
Stop being silent and having moments of silence
Remove the hate and violence
I am my brother’s keeper
Unlocking minds to dive deeper
A union of brotherhood For all mankind’s good I will not be institutionalized
But rather revolutionized
Because my skin color demands respect
Put the guns and knives down and reflect
On a time where we fought for a common goal
Freedom for everyone’s soul
The Black Panthers stood united
Why can’t we be undivided
Destruction and demolition of a culture
Burned and destroyed for stature
Shot dead in the streets
While America sleeps
A gentle giant to be awakened
Your mind has the power to awaken
A brand new tribe
Of blackness to scribe and subscribe
The a new power generation
Tactical units ready with mind blowing United Nations
From every end of the color spectrum raising voices to spit
And say I’m tired of this shit
Ironically that’s the only word that fits
Because we will forever be a unit