Surviving R Kelly
So over the past couple of nights, many sat down and watched in shock, disappointment, and horror the documentary Surviving R Kelly. Here folks saw everyone from his former wife to former girlfriends speaking out about the abuse they suffered at the hands of Kelly. We saw an array of folks speak about his intimate sexual encounters with underage girls. We saw a thorough breakdown of his 2008 Child pornography trial in which he was acquitted.
This documentary put together by executive film producer dream hampton is one that has triggered a lot of discussion and debate. Many are simply disgusted and wondering how and why R Kelly is not in jail and why he was given so much support in the music industry.
Sadly there are a number of other debates popping up that in spite the compelling information and backstories revealed in this documentary by many of those victimized by Kelly, there are folks defending R Kelly.
With respect to that, here are a few things to keep in mind… First, there will always be folks who thrive on notoriety. If you go right, they will go left. If you go up, they will go down.. They like the attention derived from trolling. or being contrarian. Personally, I feel many of those folks who show up and post and cape for R Kelly on social media platforms are part of a PR Crisies Team and are paid to try and shift public opinion.
There are some folks who sadly will side with Kelly because they believe people like him and Bill Cosby are being unfairly attacked and in the name of ‘Black Unity’ must be defended at all costs. One of the repeated themes from folks holding this type of position is to compare R Kelly with the way white celebrities are treated.
In the wake of the R Kelly documentary, I saw a large number of folks post up pieces demanding to know why R Kelly is the subject of a documentary and not sexual abuse monsters like Harvey Weinstein?
Where’re the documentaries on the Catholic Church and Roman Polanski, why pick on Kels?
I thought that was an interesting query on a couple of fronts.. First, if there are documentaries and news reports on other abusers does it absolve what Kelly is accused of doing?
Second, as someone who watches lots of TV and news reports, I knew there were tons of news stories, documentaries, mini-documentaries, award-winning movies and News specials detailing the dirt that Weinstein and others had done.
For example, with Weinstein, everyone from ABC’s 20/20 to the BBC to 60 minutes just to name a few have all done lengthy news specials, that easily reached more people than the R Kelly documentary. There is no shortage of coverage. In fact, from what I could tell, the coverage on Weinstein is more extensive and easily more accessible.
I just think because many of those folks and the scandals didn’t have a direct impact on many in our community, we didn’t pay these movies, documentaries any mind. For example, how many of us watched the lifetime movie on actress Mia Farrow who aired out film director Woody Allen? Did we really care? In our universe, R Kelly is big news so of course, everyone is gonna talk about while it may, in fact, be greeted indifferently elsewhere and in other communities.
But since that seemed to be a big sticking point, I figured I’d give folks a short list of movies and documentaries on some key Hollywood figures and institutions involved in sexual assault and abuse scandal. I’m sure I overlooked a couple so feel free to add on.
Harvey Weinstein Australia 60 Minutes
Harvey Weinstein Australia 60 Minutes
Harvey Weinstein Hollyweird Working w/ Weinstein
Harvey Weinstein 20/20 Shame and Scandal in Hollywood
Harvey Werinstein: BBC Harvey’s Secrets
Harvey Weinstein: The Reckoning Harvey Weinstein/ Me Too Documentary
Harevy Weinstein: The Harvey Weinstein Scandal
Harvey Weinstein: ABC Nightline Documentary on Harvey Weinstei
Harvey Weinstein: The New Yorker How Weinstein’s Coverup Fell Apa
Harvey Weinstein: ABC/ BBC Ashley Judd Speaks out on Harvey
Roman Polanski HBO Special: Wanted and Desired
Roman Polanski : Odd Man Out (Roman Polanski Sex Abuse Scandal)
Catholic Church: Mea Maxima Culpa Silence in the House of God
Catholic Church: Spotlight Catholic Church Cover Up
Catholic Church: Deliver us From Evil
Catholic Church: BBC Sex Crimes and the Vatican
Woody Allen: Mia Farrow an Intimate Portrait
US Military: Invisible War Rape and coverup in the US Military
US Military: Sex in the Army (US Military has a Rape Problem)
By:Wonder Wombman