~Sensations of You~
I climb the wall, your voice touches the ceiling,
It’s our love, it’s our love that is rising,
I clutch your pendant, you seal my lips with your hands,
It’s our souls, it’s our souls that are reaching out for more
Your lashes kiss my cheek as we embrace
It’s our hearts, it’s our hearts feeling out for each other
You, so carefully, hold my prized possession, then whisper to my insecurities
It’s our passion, it’s our passion that is making sweet music
It perks… out of desire.
It’s warmer but I still need you near,
My skin seems to have a spirit of its own as I feel my nipples, my heart and thumbs playing drums.
What’s my part? Can I whistle to your tongue?
Can I… allow my body to get numb
Feeling nothing but you, strumming within me
Is your part? Is your part
Allowing love spelled trances to slip from your tongue, causing this… stirring emotion to form at the pit of my core?
And it’s buzzing in my head, dropping to my toes, I can’t get ahead of your roaming, deep inspection of my soul, dizzy, I just tighten my hands around your muscles begging you to teach me one more note baby.
Please, teach me.
Show me the lyrics to your soul, compose words to mine own and let’s see if they align
You’re, intoxicating. You’re pheromones have me under a trance, spinning, the room…
You lie me down easily
On lush sheets
Adorned with all of your emotion
Bare for me.
Your aroma is the delicate vapor I absorb without thinking,
That hotness that I stay for as steamy showers hit the floor…
Can we really feel anything more than our bodies being captured?
My insides wants to memorize the swaying of your charm… Rubbing slowly on me everything, everything that I am in need of…
Stop… Playin…
Let me…
Teach me how to
Follow your lead rhythmically.
The roughness of your voice
Tantalizes the subtle screams, my body makes in your honor.
Can the strength in your eyes
Absorb the need…
My body, it feigns for the lightness of your possession.
Your moans, it buzzes in a satisfied humm
That makes me, lose the last glimpse of reality
Holding me to this realm.
Going on to not miss a member. I’m satisfied but your nourishment isn’t heavy, it’s light and never stops pouring, as I let my mouth water.
Tasting, biting and then I look into your eyes, brown eyes pierced by a moonlit sky, I can see from here paradise through my tears.
Every sweet tender flesh in between seems to meld and deliciously mix.
Delirious, I giggle then I hum your name than pull your hair and claim it… You’re mine, respectfully letting me ride you to a crash…
Where do you want to die? Tell me! Let me kill you softly and revive you at every lick…
Revive you, revive you at every kiss.
Remind you, remind you with every twist
I love you and with every inhale, exhale
With every fiber of my being
I love you.
Our taste remains on our lips
The memory of you, in me
Whispers so intimately
Delicately filling our fresh tears
With glimpses of our destiny
Whispers, moans until the hook fades…
Anticipation, excitement, then sweat glistening on my back and your hands massaging me right.
In and out, side to side… I rest in our silences.
We made war, we made love, peace is our offspring; our fears hushed to our screams.
It’s just you in me… and that’s perfect, that’s a perfect ending.
By:Maryonn Grace/Latasha Latasha