I had an interesting experience today. I had a photo shoot scheduled for noon. I got to the location about 40 minutes before hand. And she text me at 11:45 to tell me that she was on her way.
She then text me at 12:15 to tell me that she was finishing up her hair And would be on her way. Keep in mind, she lives 40 minutes away from the location. Which means that she would have been over an hour late for the shoot. Which everybody who has worked with me before, knows that I will not wait an hour for somebody to show for a photo shoot.
So I responded, “I apologize but unfortunately I cannot do a photo shoot that starts over an hour late”.
She then she said that I was unprofessional for not waiting for her. And that other photographers have waited for her. And I simply responded “that’s fine“.
Instead of letting the conversation go, she then thought it would be best to hit me with a tirade of insults… Such as “your work sucks anyway”. “I’ve worked with better photographers”….blah blah blah.
So I responded “all of this because you were going to be over an hour late for your photoshoot?”
Her response: “you’re gay. You need to find a new passion because you’re no good at photography”.
I just responded with. “K. 🙂”
And then she blocked me.
It was actually kind of humorous.
By:Raymond Kennedy Jr.