Emotional and PHYSICAL Abuse has no race it can ever claim,
somewhere in the world, a human life feels so ashamed.
It cripples me to feel a young voice cry in the dark,
being abuse kills all love in their tiny heart.
I feel hopeless watching the news seeing people rape and kill,
or forced to have sex against there on right and human will.
A fabulous smile became a reason to get weak,
they never knew that shame sometimes play for keeps.
“Tomorrow I will be worthless,” said the little voice,
too young to make a decision and have a choice.
becoming emotionally abuse unable to fight back.
Rather they are helplessly white or black.
The master of deception is the celebrity that got away,
becoming a predator to destroy another dark day.
It is Never anybody’s first choice to cry in the dark,
as a human being destroy a precious heart.
Exiting stage left to the rapist who stole love that day,
you were a KILLER that somehow got away!!
Screams unpredictable as thunder causing pain,
but KAMAR will make sure one-day you’ll feel the same!!
Her arms over her face the tears will never understand,
why that wicked DEVIL society will call him a MAN!!
A restricted number scare her on the telephone,
and an innocent voice said, “Please leave me alone!!”
He slaps her in the face as a coward do,
faith will cause a reversal for that man BITCH that grew.
Soon accusations will shed light on human dirt,
that’s when we as a people must get to work.
I drowned the thought that will happen to my own,
because, JAIL, will be my eternal home!!
Demons that plague my mind makes me a killer in disguise,
to revenge people who were abused after seeing their eyes!!
Maybe I could have listened more to every human life I see,
Maybe I could do more than write knowledge poetry.
All I can say is that I will never forget the time mother died,
I felt mentally abuse losing her love and the look in her eyes.
I could not sleep last night until I wrote and cried in this poem,
I would get another gasp of air and think of a word that was born.
I am not a typical Black Man that never understand the heart,
and why so many of us are broken apart.
There’s a secret within my poetry that tells a story of me,
as my ancestors speak, I feel the pain of slavery.
They hit emotionally, and words begin to hurt me in my home,
how an innocent child had no chance with a predator alone.
I struggle to survive that ugly memory and steady write,
praying that the universe KILL that PREDATOR in the night!!!
Why is the world so deaf to a people cry of pain,
As a seed of a PREDATOR does the very same!!
I play a role for which others begin to envy me,
writing on a different subject that society doesn’t want to see.
I admired the people who speak about the abuse they endure,
I understand by speaking bravely they are the cure.
With mental and emotional scars we survive to teach the young,
as we realize to escape the pain we physically and mentally won.
Determinations got bolder understand the DEVIL is in human form,
and I was destined to be a protector from the day I was BORN!!…..(WRITTEN BY THE AWAKEN ONE………….ASE!!)……..Written By: PATRICK HORNSBY…… All Rights Reserved ©®U…/04/28/2018.