Growing up in this brainwashed society,
living off my knowledge poetry Black conscious mentally.
My ambition all started with a pen in my hand,
as society tried to label me a thug in this land.
A new voice from the grave came so beautifully and black,
memories are full of misery as my mind travel back.
Avoiding police can be a puzzle that is missing just one piece,
with your hands in the air, an injustice bullet put you to sleep!!
Label as a “thug nigga straight from the hood!!”
“Being black,” society always sees the BAD and not the GOOD!!
Protests about the injustice killing in the streets become silence,
as little “Tamir Rice” with a fake gun label as violence!!
Confessions become the norm of a people who are lost,
Black leaders grow uncle toms, and coons paid off!!
Possible participation from a hidden white supremacy,
create a MATRIX life where you think a slave was really FREE!!
Nightmares in my dreams where black peoples never win,
Devils in disguise begin to look like “George Zimmerman!!”
always defiance to injustice waking up in a pool of sweat,
Praying to the GOD in me don’t take another loved one NEXT!!
A person without prejudices is one of a kind,
and being educated and BLACK I have a HELL of a MIND!!
Stereotyping melanin skin without a reason or a cause,
become BITCH AZZ human being in menopause!!
I write hurtful language so the blind can one day see,
I hear a voice saying that’s the BLACK JESUS in me!!
Not too keen on the religion of any kind,
“LET THERE BE LIGHT,” and then you hear another RHYMES!!
my viciousness in my poetry is the words that I write,
My relationships with my people is never give up the FIGHT!!
I cherish and respect the BLACK people of this LAND,
and would rather DIE than to see another “SANDRA BLAND!!”
We raise our FIST in the air for BLACK POWER too!!
Pushing words around in poetry being one of the few.
I spit them out indiscriminately so you can understand,
I can only be with a Black Woman , it’s written in Gods plan.
My bruised heart always heal hearing my mother voice,
Making me understand it this world we have a CHOICE!!
My Vocal Gifts will be to the one who always understands,
From the womb of the Black Woman came, “DANGER, EDUCATED BLACK MAN!!”………..(WRITTEN BY THE AWAKEN ONE………….ASE!!)……..Written By: PATRICK HORNSBY…… All Rights Reserved ©®U…/04/12/2018.