Malcolm Little manifested into a king call “Malcolm X”,
Suddenly the world wasn’t prepared for what came next!!
Against all odds, an ancestors spirit came alive,
FEBRUARY 21 the world better recognize!!
All gone by the assassin’s bullet but the teaching live on,
And to millions, his name is a redemption song!!
Put your fist in the air instead of getting on your knees to pray,
By any means necessary scream ‘IT’S MALCOLM X BIRTHDAY’!!!‘
Dearly, beloved, we are gathered here to read this poem,
How the holy ghost of conscious can have you reborn.
My thought of another gunshot is mental knowledge to my race!!
Where black and beautiful melanin skin can never be erased.
Father, son, husband, poet and black woman hear me preach,
Knowledge poetry on February 21st is here to teach!!
Put your fist in the air instead of getting on your knees to pray,
By any means necessary scream ‘IT’S MALCOLM X BIRTHDAY’!!!‘
Anxious, excited, and sometimes extremely joyous to write,
Because Malcolm X is someone I extremely like!!
Depressed and lonely in writing I will never be,
As long as my ancestor’s spirit is flowing through me!!
Revolution is our minds become a part of us,
As we study Brother X he was someone we could trust.
Put your fist in the air instead of getting on your knees to pray,
By any means necessary scream ‘IT’S MALCOLM X BIRTHDAY’!!!‘
No one has to give us permission to celebrate a day,
The “AWAKEN ONE” just listen to what my heart have to say!!
“MALCOLM AIN’T DEAD” if you understand that ebonics phrase,
Even in the ghetto language I still remained brave!!
My version of genocide on white supremacy,
Is to always take up for Malcolm X for not being here with me!!
Put your fist in the air instead of getting on your knees to pray,
By any means necessary scream ‘IT’S MALCOLM X BIRTHDAY’!!!‘
One more verse before I leave you is a must,
We must never let his memories turn to dust!!
Deny me freedom is to deny me my right to live whole,
We must all at one point in our life become bold!!
Damaging our membrane with the Matrix T.V set,
Is creating new uncle toms and coons next!!
Put your fist in the air instead of getting on your knees to pray,
By any means necessary scream ‘IT’S MALCOLM X BIRTHDAY’!!!‘
I apologize for saying that was my last verse,
But At least the ‘AWAKEN ONE” never did curse!!
In hell, I inhale the hate of the American way,
Now that sound like something Malcolm X would say!!
The visions, the tongue, and brains is in my poetry,
And like Malcolm X, I’m giving it all to you for FREE!!!!!!
Put your fist in the air instead of getting on your knees to pray,
By any means necessary scream ‘IT’S MALCOLM X BIRTHDAY’!!!‘…(WRITTEN BY THE AWAKEN ONE………….ASE!!)……..Written By: PATRICK HORNSBY…… All Rights Reserved ©®U…/02/21/2017