I just realize I cant write the most beautiful poem,
I can not come up with words why your beauty was formed.
You are the object of another’s amusement in my poetry,
Being created from a fetus is my testimony.
Countless times I write for you defending you with my life,
Promising you, I will only search for a Melanin wife.
I know, I know, it isn’t fair to be so beautiful,
If I don’t remember anything that’s one thing that I know.
I cant write about your coke bottle shape it’s just not fair,
And how can I write about the beauty of your dominant hair?
You are worth ten thousand times more than any gold upon the earth,
You even knew about this poem before I was birth.
You became my inferno back at the beginning of time,
The universe was the first one to whisper you were fine.
You are the epitome in every word that I write,
A beautiful blasphemy when I say God-like.
I dreamed of tomorrow is the best that I can do,
That way I get a head start of dreaming about you.
If I have to chase my yesterday to see you again,
I am mentally telling you my love will never end.
Memories can be beautiful with gold melanin skin,
Trying to write about GOD never comes to an end.
When I think no more poems are left in me,
I awaken, and it’s the black woman that I see.
Trying to write about your fluid nature I get lost,
I begin studying your history I know you paid the cost.
You become an Enchanted Princess from ancient time,
How do I tell you I am so proud you are mine.
You birth me from my mother womb so I could write poetry,
And from the fetus to now I see the universe power in me.
You become a mental mermaid swimming around in my mind,
And I become your psychological ocean all the time.
I will continue to write so, and please bear with me,
I promise my breakthroughs will be the beauty that I see.
My previous emotional state will get better in time,
Because, the Black woman is so beautiful and fine.
Even the impossible will manifest how your beauty came to earth,
Proving angels who walk the ground were you first.
With my pen in my hand, it’s so desperate to think and write,
Because everything the Black woman do “I LIKE!!” (WRITTEN BY THE AWAKEN ONE………….ASE!!)……..Written By: PATRICK HORNSBY…… All Rights Reserved ©®U…/02/22/2018