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Born black

Born black and mean’t to fail.. Born in a world where the color of my skin can send me to jail. Future resident of a overcrowded jail. Amongst my peers. Forced to commit devilish acts to survive praying every night in a jail cell that my sins won’t send me to hell. The struggle from provety as alway’s been real. Born to show no fear, raised to hide my tears. Not to feel, trained to kill at will. Hustle for my next meal. Constant court visits turning down plea deals.
I don’t want to make a deal. The pain I endured from the streets will never heal. The friend’s I lost from gun shots, or racist cops, beaten on drug addicted blocks. Beaten into heart’s stop in broad daylight on God’s watch. I can’t breathe!! I can’t breathe!! Suffocate me with police racist knees! E.M.T doesn’t want to revive me!!

Another black man shot down in the street! Constantly repeats.. Treat me like a criminal because I have on a hoodie! Going through the same drama we see in movies. Judge judging our culture with being guilty. While our life’s our taken in our own community’s!! Freedom ain’t free and equality in courtrooms or in the street’s doesn’t speak for minorities! Only defeat while handcuffs are shackled to our hands and feet! “Racist judge thinking if they’re not dead or in jail they will be!”
Wake up!! Hell is right under our feet! Black lives matter! All lives matter! Especially minorities! We just want to be treated equally! And be given the same peace!! And not just be… another colored person in the street’s deceased or one you mistreat. Because you didn’t take the time to know me. There is blood in poetry.

By:Alvin Martin

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