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Thank you Blackwoman

I swear her eyes held all the light that the universe gave birth,
And that is the reason why I said that I saw GOD first.
It is a passing love affair from the first time I saw her eyes,
Love being caught up in a Goddess when she hypnotizes.
Beauty bathed in darkness comes with dark melanin skin,
Where mentally the universe always let me in.
She gives me peace from life pain every day of my life,
Thank you Blackwoman for showing me paradise.

You are Simply gorgeous from every angle that you are in,
When God gave life, you are the reason beauty begins.
The world was once nothing, but you became the light,
Now beauty was with us day and night.
You are timeless as a star that never touches the ground,
And you are energy that is always around.
A beautiful soul that was always very elegant,
Thank you Blackwoman for showing me Heaven Sent.

No color has any life without black,
Welcome to society daily black history fact.
You mix black with everything and that produce life,
As my poetry from our ancestors give us advice.
There is a fullness in your shape that is beautiful,
And everything in this poem you already know.
The depths of the unknown is the color of who you are,
Thank you Blackwoman for coming out of the dark.

You encourage the imagination that I will be with you one day,
And destiny will make sure I find a way.
I saw a body perfect in every inch of your walk,
And when you spoke I heard a beautiful angel talk.
What lovely breasts, begging to be caressed!
I just mentally sin I must confess(wink)
When all is said and done, I will never leave you behind,
Thank you Blackwoman for showing me what is FINE.

Now, this last part of this poem is nothing but respect,
And if I die tomorrow I would never regret.
I was born from your womb, and you protected me as a seed,
And as a fetus within you, I was so, please.
I yearned for you often in my prayers to you,
Because when I found out, you were GOD that just what I do.
.Enchantment words in my mind I promise you will always see,
Thank you Blackwoman for living in my POETRY…..(WRITTEN BY THE AWAKEN ONE………….ASE!!)…01/27/2018…..Written By: PATRICK HORNSBY…… All Rights Reserved ©®U

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