Chapter 1: Secrets set everyone free
Kylan began to dance as the music started to play. She hated being a stripper but it was the only way she was making money at the time, money good enough to take care of her and her sister. Nobody knew she worked at Diva’s it was an hour away, and she told everyone she was a home health aide taking care of the elderly.
After work Kylan put scrubs on and some nikes, and started walking to her car. While she was walking to her car she saw a weird man in a black fedora, wearing all black with a big black van. He was watching her every move, being a stripper had its own dangers and she was use to weird men watching her so over time she started getting more and more protection to protect herself.
Kylan starts to see the guy getting out and he grabs some rope out the trunk, and she starts to get suspicious. She doesn’t know if she should run or not so she gets her mace off of safety, and gets ready to attack if needed. She doesn’t want to walk back inside because that would mean her back was to him and that made her uncomfortable, so she unlocked her car with the button on her keys and runs really fast to the car and begins to start it up in a hurry. Kylan drops her keys somewhere she can’t reach and she hears the man yelling out “ here here pretty lady “ so she locks her door and gets in the trunk through the back seat.
This isn’t Kylans first time hiding from someone so she was very use to hiding in her trunk. Kylan pulls her phone out and it’s on 1% and frantically texts Zeke her bestfriend saying “ someone is trying to get me, if i do not come home tonight, please keep my last location and try to find me, I’m really sorry for everything “ She sends it and it dies right after. She doesn’t know if it’s safe to come out so she just stays silent with just enough air to breathe out to the back seat… she’s there for a good 30 minutes until she hears the mans voice again “ all the cars are starting to leave, if you haven’t left you must be in one of these cars, and I am going to find you my beautiful “
She starts to cry and starts to lose hope, she’s so confused. She doesn’t know who this man is, doesn’t know what he wants, or what’s going to happen to her. All Kylan knows is that she just wants to get home to her baby sister Kiran..
Kylan hears the trunk door opening and starts panicking and gets her mace ready to spray the guy, and the door pops open and she instantly starts to cry…
it’s Zeke, and he pulls her out and smiles at her hugging her telling her he’s glad she’s okay and that she can’t scare him like that anymore. She apologizes and asks where the man in the van went, and he tells her “ He drove off as soon as i got out the car, why who is he? Is he the reason you were in the trunk? “ she begins to cry and starts to tell him everything that happened and he holds her and follows her home. As he is following her home she drives into their driveway and hops out very quickly and he does the same worried that something might of happened.
“ Kiran!!! Kiran!! Kiran!! .. Kiran this is not fucking funny right now, if you are playing a joke on me now is not the time I’m really worried please come out! “ as she searches the house top to bottom she goes through the kitchen and sees the backdoor wide open with the grass flattened from what only could be a vehicle.
Kylan calls Kirans phone and it picks up, she says “ Kiran where are you?! “ and a man picks up the phone.
By:Jada Jay