I’m from the South side of Chicago: born Dec 14,1980
All my life I’ve been into music! In elementary school I used too make beats on the desk with pens and pencil’s, while freestyling! people loved it, so that was a good push off! And on and off , I’d made my 1st song. Called in the back of the club, everybody all in the ww100s where I’m from, was bumping it on every block lol it’s crazy I made it for me. But was I gave a copy out everybody leaked it and everywhere I go people was like Shan, Damn you go hard and got bars. When I used too be in clubs, house parties, battling or just freestyling! They was like you got what it takes to make u it! It meant alot to me because this what I feel I was born too do. sometimes I be making or right there when my guys be making the beats and I write all my music. I produced and arranged 99% of all my music, that. 1% is the beats and few tracks my guys produced! because if you want something, you gotta get up and do it yourself! I always wanted too really do this but shit happens and I’d always be in the streets, get locked up for something,always in trouble, fake producers always act like they wanna see you make it, but in reality that love you until you become competition. or something would always happen so that I couldn’t do it! but now I’m good, no more court cases,no fake friends around,attitude and grind turned up, even more, I have the time too, to do what I always liked doing, and get recognized and loved, for me doing what I have a passion to do and what I’m best at.
I’m gonna make history, and create all types of music, but won’t forget where I came from, and make a career out of what I love, there is nothing like getting recognized, being respected and getting paid for what you love doing! I make and gonna make a difference in more younger people lives,global and show them there is a way! I mean if you got the will and your mind set on it, you can do anything, believe me I know I came from nothing, been through hell and back, never gave up,keep going and now I want the world and too help who I can in the process!
By: Dollarsignshan