All my forefathers
All my forefathers’ hallelujahs and amens
Still go unanswered
But you expect me to clasp my hands, close my eyes and bow my head?
Are you for real?
Or are you for dumb?
Because while we keep shouting, echoing all these words
We’re being trampled down
Grinded from flesh and bones into dust
From whenst we came… there we shall return!
But we’re not dying from long life
No, By the bullet, by the noose
Sometimes by our own hands…
And that’s seems to be just fine?
How long shall we suffer?
How long is this road we trod?
Shackled at our ankles
Our wrists and brains
Just waiting to exhale!
I’m tired… aren’t you?
I’m fucking fed up too!
Like we’ve got a target on your backs
Like you’re cursed when you’re born black
And all they have to tell me to soothe my pain
Is the first shall be last
So one day black will reign again
Well fuck that!
How many generations got to suffer to get to the “promised land”
Who’s calling for an exodus?
Who’s calling for a “coup d’etat”?
Can’t live like this forever
This is the straw breaking the camel’s back
Trodding across the desert
Not an oasis in sight
No shelter from the brutal scorching sun
And this dry coarse wind
Begging out for a quenching rain
At this point we’ll accept anything
Anything but this!
Been this way for so long I’m now seeing mirages
Streets of gold, streams of milk and honey
While my friends are bawling out, “show me da money”
Ain’t life funny?
We’re preoccupied with the afterlife
Because a Book said it was promised
Everyone else is working towards “freeing” themselves
While we swallow their vomit!
One day we’ll open up that third eye
And see for ourselves
Heaven is where we make it!
Until then, we’re living in our own hell
Being our own Satan
Living like demons.
I hope you’ll understand
And can read between the lines
Because not everything you grasp
Is from what’s written on paper in pen
Knowledge of self is equally important
Knowledge of surrounding should be duly noted
How else would we master our world?
Remove our heads from the clouds
Stop eat from that pie in the sky
Work with what we’ve got on Earth
And see how our people progress
Beyond anything we’ve ever imagined
But who am I to think this way
It’s not in keeping with biblical principles
So instead let’s suffer with a smile on our faces
Hoping that we see the day when the good Lord descends
And scoops us up on his chariot
Don’t get me wrong
I hope to see that day too
But I also want to see the day
When I can wake from this reverie
All this suffering
And someone can tell me
“Relax bro… it was just a bad dream!”
By:Yeshua Isiah Mashiach