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Stockley walks free

We’re not surprised that Jason Stockley gets to walk free. But the murder of AnthonyLamarSmith was particularly egregious. Here’s why:
Stockley first approached Smith after claiming to witness a drug transaction. Stockley was carrying an unauthorized AK-47…..When Smith fled the scene, Stockley fired on Smith’s car a direct violation of police department policy…. Stockley and his partner then pursued Smith’s car. They claimed “shots fired” even though the only shots fired were their own. During the pursuit, Stockley tells his partner, Brian Bianchi, “We’re killing this motherfucker, don’t you know.”

CLEAR premeditation. Stockley orders Bianchi to “hit him now” w/ vehicle. Bianchi exits the vehicle, approaches smith w/ hand on his firearm and reholsters it , Stockley then approaches Smith w/ AK-47 in dominant hand, service pistol in the other. He shoots Smith 5 times.8/ Smith likely had to switch service pistol to his dominant hand, this seems to negate the claim that there was clear and present danger…Stockley claims that Smith was reaching for a gun – a fact that none of the videos – dash cam & street surveillance – can corroborate.

Stockley returns to his vehicle to access his service bag. He positions his body to block body cam and appears to adjust his waistband. After video shows #AnthonyLamarSmith’s body removed from the vehicle, Stockley appears to climb inside. He then “finds” a .38 revolver. The weapon retrieved from the vehicle—alleged to be Smith’s—did not contain a shred of DNA from Smith. It contained DNA from Stockley.Police in STL continue to kill black folks w/ impunity. There have been roughly 10-11 police killings this year in the area.It took more than 4 years for charges to be filed against Stockley. Today when police & city officials call for peace, having already called in the national guard, remember these facts. The militarized response to the community’s outrage is an attempt to chill or silence 1st amendment activity.This is directly in line with the federal agenda to use military personnel & weapons against civilians – particularly Black communities.

Case closed , this man murdered our brother period and got off as usual …???

By:Shi Walk

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