I’ve lived in my house for close to 15 years, and I’ve always been under attack. My white neighbor told me because i was black i didn’t belong out here and i need to move back to the hood. I informed my neighborhood association but i didn’t know they were all in cahoots together and was racist. They came after me about my dogs and wanted me to get rid of all my dogs, so recently they took me to court. I had to spend 6k on a lawyer to defend me. At court the judge ruled in my favor and told me i didn’t have to remove my dogs. They lied on me in court and said i was sellin dogs out of my house. I’m so thankful that i had pictures of all my customers who bought pups from me at my shop. They told a bunch of more lies and the judge saw rite thru their lies. The neighborhood association hired 3 lawyers for my case and those lawers ran their fees up to over 30k and want me to pay it, and if i don’t they want to put a lein on my house so they can foreclose my home and evict me. By them taking me to court so the judge could tell me i can keep living how I’m already livin, they want me to pay over 30k on their lawyer fees, because they took me to court. Smh. Now because i don’t have to move my dogs they’ve took their vengeance to another level.
My neighbor now has lied and said i threatened him. So the neighborhood association has gotten top flight security, lol, to sit in front of my house 24/7. Taking pictures of me and my lil girls daily. They’re scaring my lil girls because to a 5 year old baby she don’t know the difference between the real police and security, so now my baby think the police is gonna kick our door in and kill her daddy because when she look out her bedroom window she see this security car and whoever in it staring at her all day and night. It’s sad to say i don’t no what they got up their sleeves next, but i see they’re on a mission to destroy me, my family and my home.
Now on my very street a white family has ran a dope house for years, who sold heroin, meth, pills, etc. house been shot up in a drive by, police raided their home over a dozen times and the neighborhood association never once put a security car in front of their house to scare them or their kids. It’s just so sad that all a brother want to do is live in peace, and in 2017 we are still under attack. Smh
By:Shun Blackmon