These klan People got the resources to go on national tours just to flash their weapons and preach there rhetoric, they got militarized hate groups the police backing them up ( the same police that been shooting the Fucc out us on camera)
And Black people still fuccin Arguing with one another 😑😶😶😶😶 lashing out at each other. We turn up on each other at a moment’s notice WTF would you really do if you saw some Ku Klux Krackers marching in your hood????
Our Greatest Resource in this Life is Family. We forgot how to be that to one another. It took centuries for them to divide and concur The Mother Land ancestors fell victim to sepratizum through religions and politics, Italy got they ass whooped twice when they invaded Ethiopia, they had to wait till the our people were Muslims and Christian arguing with each other to come in and make they move.
This Gang Gang squad shit is useless if you not gone protect your own. That’s what the OGs started for. Now everybody opps. A bunch of Africans who can name every European Manufactured Gun and use them on they own people SMH.
Unify or Keep Feeling the Beast going up side your MuthaFuccin head 💯
By:Susie Pork