Well every sense I was a little girl people would always tell me or come up 2 me and be like hey tyresha you should model or try 2 model but I never took it any further then talking about it until I started working at marshall’s clothing store in Hagerstown Maryland. In 2014 and this American women came into the store like 3 times then the 4th time she came in 2 Marshall’s clothing store and passed me a business card that said she was a model scout 4 wilhemina model scout for the branch in PA.
So then i tried out a few weeks later 4 a model call in wilhemina and I was 1 of the models that was picked but I never went 2 the modeling boot camp due 2 the fee of 2000$ so then a year later my friend martell cooper bought a canon camera we started taking pictures i posted 1 of them on my Facebook page and a few weeks later 1 of the editors of the black panthers newspaper got in contact with me threw Facebook and said he loved the picture and wanted 2 know if he could put my picture in the newspaper after that me and Martell just kept taking pictures and then this year I decided 2 start trying 4 runway calls and trying 2 get into fashion weeks which I have already been in 1 fashion show this past march 2017 and 1 coming up in August 2017 and another 1 in September which is Newyork fashion week im 5’9 in height 125 pounds in weight very photogenic and loves 2 help the photographer with thems and outfits and just really keep taking pictures and being selected walk in runways I just promised myself for 2017 that it mainly about connections and runway and keep myself pushing towards how far my modeling career will go