Just watched two police officers pull 2 young black men out of their car in front of my house. They cuffed them – sat them on the curb and proceeded to search their vehicle for almost 30 minutes. Every compartment, seat cushion……… every crack and corner of the inside of that car was searched. They searched the trunk at least 3 times – frantically and desperately searching. Finally after having found nothing they let them go. As the officers were getting back in their cars they realized that I had been watching them and one of them sarcastically says to me………… “Everyone’s safe and sound here. You can go back inside”. I’ve said before……. White police officers do not come into black communities out of a burning desire to protect and serve. THEY COME TO HUNT………….. The zeal that you see……… the eagerness and devotion they exhibit is not tied to a desire to see black communities thrive – and their attitude and behavior shows it. They come for what the black community yields for them. I can’t stress this enough. Educate your own children. Provide jobs for yourselves. Put yourself in position to DESTROY your enemies. #ALLPOWERTOTHEPEOPLE!
By:Eric Mobley