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its amazing that modern medical science…is now discovering knowledge…African people had already well over 10,000 years ago…..

i was just watching a story on the doctors…..and it immediately reminded me of some historical practices our ancestors did that i read about awhile back…..

FIRST….Let me tell you about our ancestors….then ill tell you what i saw on the show the doctors…..

So….ive read numerous books an blogs that detail some of the tribal practices of our acient african ancestors…..ive also had the pleasure on a few occasions to actually talk to older african people…who’ve also told me about these practices….anywho….long story short….

Sound was/is very important to african people (why you think we love music so much but thats a story 4 another day)…..even in the conception of the child…..

Some african tribes….when wife and husband conceived their child…the wife would go out into the wilderness and meditate….and allow the melody/name of her Child come to her… she would go back and teach this melody to her husband……and throughout the childs growth an development within the womb….they both would hum/sing this melody to their child while in the wound….this ensured that not only will the child be born physically healthy but also spiritually healthy….that the child would be intuned with THE CREATOR and the world around the child…..<——its quite a bit more detailed than that…but thats it in a nutshell

NOW….for what i saw on the show…THE DOCTORS

so…on the show…they had this story about this white woman who was pregnant with her first child…So as with any good expecting mom….she was constantly back an forth with doctors checking on her baby development in the womb…..So she has an ultra sound…but the doctors call her in with bad news…..

Apparently…her baby has a somewhat rare defective development abnormality….that causes the skull an brain of the fetus to grow in a strange way….where part of the brain grows outside the skull….that basically kills the child b4 birth….an even if the child survives birth….the child will need 24hr nursing care…the child will never be able to function on its own…and the child more than likely wont survive past age 5…..

Her doctors told her she could either have an forced abortion…or she could gone deliver her child….but more than likely the child would be “still born”…or would die shortly after birth…Fishing for any kind of hope….The woman asks a veteran nurse….have you ever seen a case of this where the child survives birth…..the nurse looks her in the eye and flatly says….NO 😐

Suffice it to say…the woman was devastated and distraught. However after crying out her heart and soul, she decides she doesnt want to have an abortion and at least give her son a chance at life. So she continues with her pregnancy.

HOWEVER….day and night….the woman would talk to her son while in the womb….she would sing to her son….and she would tell her son….that he is strong…he will live….he is meant to be here….he will be healed….he will grow….he will live….

So the woman goes in for 1 more ultra sound …..but THIS TIME…..doctors are shocked and amazed….not only has the boys brain an skull growth abnormality Stopped….but the baby’s head/skull seems to be healing ITSELF…..

long story short….the woman gives birth….baby survives birth….doctors have to do a few minor surgeries…..but the way the baby skull is continuing to grow…the baby wont need major surgery….and is expected to live way beyond the age of 5… able to function on its own….wont have any mental development issues and expected to live a long productive life just like any other member of society.

NOW of course the audience goes crazy with joy….understandably so….it is a pretty touching uplifting story…..And the panel of DOCTORS are all talking about the power of positive affirmation an reinforcement….the power of speaking healing into existence….and they saying this from a scientific medical point of view…..

but im sitting her like 😮…..maaaaannnnnn our african ancestors BEEN KNEW ABOUT THIS STUFF….BEEN DOING THIS STUFF….yall just catching up…..

But be that as it may….as with all things….what once was shall be again…..just as our ancestors then learned how to heal and be 1 with THE CREATOR and then taught others….

So shall our people do so again….and so i wont get into….any type of….”they stealing our knowledge”……ill just use this as an opportunity to share with you….which i have done….



talk to your children while they are in the womb….sing to them….tell them they shall come forth an be great….tell them they shall be healthy and strong….TRUST ME…IT WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE…..

and do not give up on your children…..dont let these doctors tell you stuff to convince you to give up…..THERE IS ALWAYS A WAY….our ancestors had knowledge that these people JUST NOW CATCHING UP TO….


talk to your children….sing to your children

Peace N Love family

By: Ra DaGriot

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