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Home > January 20017 > WE DONT SAY NOTHING


Alot of black men (myself included)…dont stand up for black women the way we should….when we hear another black man talking about cheating on black women, taking black women money, playing a bunch of black women, beating on black women, bad mouthing black women, ect. WE DONT SAY NOTHING….we dont really disagree with our homie or whatever dude is saying that even if we dont personally agree…we dont say anything…or we may agree, because we mad at black women been played by black women an/or want to play black women…so we dont say nothing….or we laugh an play along like we really agree, even though deep down we dont, but we dont want other black males to look at us like we are lame or uncool because we have respect for women an/or dont think about our women the way our homies do…..but still with all this…we dont say nothing….some of us speak up some of the time, a few speak up all the time…but too many of us black men dont say nothing each an every time…we kinda let the negative views, thoughts an attitudes keep going…..and dont stand up for black women

BUT… women dont get to patting yourselves on the back….because alot of you dont stand up for black men the way you should, all the time either. Its the same thing…Ladies yall a be around your friends or other black ladies, and they are bad mouthing black men, talking about playing black men, setting up black men, complaining about black men, ect. An yall dont speak up in our defense all the time…you just laugh an play along with it to.

Its messed up on both sides…an alot of times we cant even begin to discuss the problem…because we get into this finger pointing thing…an each gender is pointing to the other one saying they are the most to blame…black men gone point at black women an say its mostly they fault…black women gone point at black men and say its mostly they fault ….when both groups are equally to blame…because we equally mentally messed up…an we both treat each other the way racist whites treat us….

BUT….im a black man…so i can really only speak on myself….and i havent stood up for the opposite sex of my race enough….

By:Ra DaGriot

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