*****DEAR BLACK FOLKS…..If I hear one more ignorant , complaining , little school bus riding black person say Trump needs to bring in the fed which is Marshall law I’m gone slap the sense you should have back in your head.Do you even understand Marshall Law . When you have to be home at 8pm or when all you see is work and home or when you get stopped and frisked every 5 minutes when you see the white folks enjoying themselves in their neighborhoods or when your treated like criminals maybe you
Will realize you need to get off your complaining ass and help your community . Thats a way to keep the slaves in order. We don’t need nothing but black folks putting they money together (group economics)and building business for us by us and for these black men to be Kings and protect they hood poverty breeds crime we don’t own shit it’s time we started .we don’t need no feds or more police the police we got now are racist with their finger on the trigger ready to shot you and your kids .Keep complaining with no action and keep praying for hope with no action we will be done for .
By:Rhonda Patton