Mariano’s Review
lol…damn Mariano’s done changed the whole game up..you can go on a damn date up in Marianos…you got everything you need right there, an all you need is a few dollars and a Link card (EBT for you out of towners)….
fall up in Marianos, kick things off with alil meal…go to meat department, pick you out some steaks, burgers, or kabobs (whatever ya got a taste for)….which they will grill for you on the spot….you can grab you a few other items with link then yall chill in the eating area…
after your meal…if you want to chill with a few drinks…you can either go to the in store bar, or go to the liquor aisle grab a nice bottle….
then…on some player shit fellas…tell her you going to the bathroom…an then dip off to the floral section, an come back an surprise her with some flowers….
an who knows…if you lucky, you may get that back of the Marianos parking lot action….every Marianos got that one park all the way in the back where no one can see what u doing in your car….
matter fact…i think ima get me a Marianos reward card 😆
By:Ra DaGriot