Let me say this while the thought of President Trump is on your terrified minds.Black people, we need to stop wasting ur time trying to end racism and racist thinking of white people because WHITE PEOPLE NEED RACISM.
Many of you became complacent when Obama was elected. You thought we had closed the racial divide and began having nonsensical discussions about a post-racial America. Trump’s election, however, has shown you otherwise and, hopefully, has opened your eyes.
White people need racism to maintain their relevancy. The rich need it to maintain their wealth while keeping the rest of us fighting amongst ourselves and ignorant that they are screwing us all. The middle class need it to maintain their first position at the table to catch the crumbs that might be rewarded. And lastly, the lowly trailer trash needs it for his sanity and self-esteem. Although he knows that he is not worthy to sit at the table, he can elevate himself above you and I because he is white.
As long as the white man lives and breaths, there will always be a racial divide. Instead of focusing on the things we cannot control such as white folks mentality, We should try to get a handle on our problem, which are many.
By:Edward Davie