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The knowledge

The knowledge won’t influence everybody. Some ppl are only driven by the creations of the Caucasian. Their whole understanding of growth is on the level of the Caucasian. Some of us lose our soul tryna live on the level of the Caucasian as if it’s natural. That’s how come you try to shit on your own kind so much with your Caucasian money and Caucasian materials and Caucasian hair in your head instead of your own… Daily those type of ppl throw their soul and their brains away for the synthetic versions. Replacing real with demonic spirits and egos in control of their body. So the soul leaves the body because it is no longer in control. And when you dealing with a soulless person, you can expect laughter at you, them calling u a devil saying u going to hell, them trying to joke about it as if it’s not the truth, them getting mad at you and saying bad things to you or about you behind your back causing others not to wanna come in contact with you. So you have to watch who you talk to cause some ppl haven’t had their soul since they were little kids so it’s no way possible for some people because their pineal gland is so calcified and their high expectations of having Caucasian material will keep them on that level of existing because it’s all they live for even their God is Caucasian💯✊🏾

By:Ken Howard

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