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Home > November 2016 > Taboo


I have to take this as step further because so many of us are misguided on what is taboo in our culture and what is not. I’m a firm believer that young girls should remain virgins until marriage. They are TOO many young girls, getting pregnant at 16 or younger, getting infected for us to keep quite and embarrassed when the integrity if our youth us deteriorating. We are the adults now, it’s our duty to teach, teach the young and each other!

***”A key hormone released during intercourse is oxytocin, also known as the ‘cuddle hormone’. This lowers our defences and makes us trust people more, It’s also the key to bonding, as it increases levels of empathy. Women produce more of this hormone, although it’s not clear why, and this means they are more likely to let their guard down and fall in love with a man after intercourse.

However, the problem is that the body can’t distinguish whether the person we’re with is a casual fling or marriage material — oxytocin is released either way. So while it might help you bond with the love of your life, it’s also the reason you may feel so miserable when a short-term relationship ends.

Men, on the other hand, instead of getting a surge of bonding hormone receive a surge of simple pleasure.

‘The problem is that when a man has an orgasm, the main hormone released is dopamine — the pleasure hormone

That’s why so many more men tend to suffer from sex addiction.”***

A lot of young women fool themselves that when they lay with a man, it’s just casual intercourse, women are FORCED into that mentality because they lacked guidance on how to respect themselves. Women are natural nurturers, it’s our natural instinct to fall in love quickly. Men on the other hand fall in love emotionally and not sexually. No the difference. It’s a man’s natural instinct to want to plant his seed, if that direction is misguided, he’d want to plant it in anything that walks. That’s his nature.

If you teenage child boldly comes to you wanting advice on relationships don’t shame them, if their asking, that means that they are thinking about it or are already in a sexual relationship.

By:Kgomotso Phuti Sibeko

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