What is a Corporation? What is Common Law? What is Admiralty law? International Law? What is Lawful? What is Law? What is legal? there’s a difference between lawful and legal.
Definitions below
Corporation – A non-human, fictitious entity. Corporate fictitious entities are denoted in all caps. This includes the names of Citizens/Subjects. Your fictitious
“strawman” entity is addressed in all caps, i.e. JOHN SMITH, rather than John Smith.
Common Law – God’s law. Common Law and the system of De Jure Juries apply to sovereigns in disputes. In Common Law, contracts must be entered into knowingly,
voluntarily, and intentionally.
Admiralty/Maritime Law/International Law – The King’s law. Deals with criminal acts that only apply to international contracts. Under this law, the people are no
longer sovereign. The Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) that the United States practices is based on Admiralty Law. Under the UCC, contracts do not have to be
entered into knowingly. Simple agreements can be binding, and as long as you exercise the benefits of that “agreement,” you must meet the obligations associated
with those benefits. If you accept the benefit offered by the government, then you MUST follow, to the letter, each and every statute involved with that benefit. That
“benefit” is the Federal Reserve Notes (U.S. dollars). By paying for things with U.S. dollars you are unknowingly giving up all of your Constitutional rights and are
legally obligated to follow all of the UCC statues. But you were NEVER told this.
Lawful – A term used in Common Law.
Legal – A term used in the UCC which applies to Corporate law
By:Ak Tia El Bey