OKLAHOMA AND NATIONWIDE!:.This is one reason I NEVER BACK THE BLUE!..Are yall awake? …Wow!..The talking is over!.OVER 25O YEARS THEY STILL KILLING US!..WE STILL HAVENT BEEN RECOMPENSATED FOR THE #THEBLACKHOLOCAUST!..AND YET AND STILL OUR Blood is being poured in the streets by these Killers who call themselves “POLICE”.(Yea right) I see them as “THE KLAN”who are protected by a White Supremacy Judicial System and are trained to Shoot to Kill BLACKS..REST IN HEAVEN TERRENCE ANOTHER UN ARMED BROTHER WHO WAS A TARGET OF THEIR STEREO TYPES..”HE LOOKS LIKE A BAD DUDE”.Is what the Law stated in the helicopter! SHARE SO WE CAN RE FOCUS AND UNITE!.
By:Vencent Gardner
See this is what I’m talking about.. this is what and why we as Black Americans are fed up to the core and we riot… there is no point in charging these people when they don’t even spend 5 mins in jail for killing us….
How many of us could ever be charged…booked and then released that fast??? This dam system is a complete joke when it comes to Justice for all…Protect and Serve all….
This is a complete joke…and we are the ones being made fun of and the but of the jokes..
I mean her mugg shot looks more like a smile instead of a mugg shot…
By:Tk Benson