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old habits die hard

Just got done writting this…. Its called Forsaken

Alone… Left in the darkness dazed and confused… Crashing down from a high i thought would never end, only to be plauged by what use to be… Us… Memories feel like dreams i can never wake up from, a false reality i can’t escape knowing your not really here… The first day i saw you i knew i wasn’t ready for you but i kept lying to myself, knowing damn well i couldn’t be the man you needed but i tried… I tried to erase my past without healing…I thought if i tried hard enough everything would be alright, but like they say old habits die hard.
I got comfortable… Content… Knowing i had you… Giving you enough love to be satisfied, and the rest i gave away… I continued until the night i felt your pain, it seems as if my own heart stabbed itself and your tears became mine… I sabotaged myself and the only thing i can do is get on my knees and pray for your forgiveness… Seems like God answered my prayers when you told me that you still loved me, giving me a chance to redeem myself and experience a love never felt before… A love that made me feel like you were the only woman in the world.. A love that made cheating seem impossible and want to give you my last name… Everything was wonderful at first, i couldn’t picture life without you but something changed… Your love wasn’t the same… Your touch felt meaningless, and you words were empty… I couldn’t figure out why you became so distant… Maybe i changed for you, and you changed for the better… How could someone sculpt something so perfect but abandon it on the potters wheel? The only question i can ask myself is why has God forsaken me….

By:Dee Black

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