my melanin people!
Have you ever wondered how #Facebook makes its profit?…from people like you and I. Everytime we post, click, share, etc…Facebook profit rises. Mark “fuckerman” net worth is 33.3 BILLION DOLLARS and in one day he racked up 1.6 BILLION DOLLARS in facebook profits. We (black people) are contributing to those billions and don’t get anything in return but we don’t have to. There are several BLACK OWNED social network sites we should be ultilyzing. We are all guilty of contributing to the wealth of a company that favors whites over black, meaning…we can’t build on group economics w/o fedbook blocking and or removing it. Freedom of speech doesn’t apply to black people, its been proven time and time again because our post are removed and sometimes w/o warning!
What are we going to do?…are we going to keep complaining about fedbook forcing people to use their government name by providing 3 forms of ID which is very invasive, blocking our freedom of speech, blocking us from building on group economics, removing our post w/o warning or cause, favoring other race of people, etc?…the list goes on. There are some that will say, oh those other sites are boring blah, blah, blah…We all have to be an umbrella of protection to create greatness. If we don’t try how will we know? We can continue building Facebook up and give the next generation an open door to white supremacy, or we can give the next generation a platform to build on a solid foundation created by us and for us. Garvey set the foundation for us but we continue building up white establishments. WHY?…
If we all stand together, we can do great things. I’m not saying these other sites are flawless but it beats continuing putting billions in the banks of these damn devils that don’t give a fuck about helping us. They silence us and we let them by not exploring other options. Im already signed up with 3 of 6 sites provided. Who wants to at least give black social network sites a try? I ask that you all sign up and post just as much as you do on the book. Get the word out, invite your friends and family. Doesn’t matters if you’re conscious or not, just as long as you’re black. Also, can eveyone please share this post to get the word out and screen shot it. I’m sure fedbook is going to delete this because it’s something that is uplifting our people.