I got to see these devils live in person … Wow … But I wasn’t scare!!! They(ay large group of these white men). They surrounded us(meh & two other queens) they called us racists slurs … bitches… They said we never worked ay day in our lives that we just been collecting welfare, we was surrounded just thee three of us in every direction, they even brought up my kings. Saying ” Ha Ha that’s why yah black men killing each others “… Look at Chicago ” … Well let meh say this I wasn’t there for all that! I was there because this city has no money to funds thee school and considering closing schools, thee FEDERAL GOVERNMENT knows about and hasn’t donated money. Oh let meh see you have no school money and thee federal government has given no assistance for going on thee second or third school year so closing our public black schools are first up yet you allow thee Republic Party to come into town to promote their next government. No BLACK YOUTHS EDUCATION is more important that Trump & his fake hair!!! So yah see why they started attacking us like that…. Wow this when to ay whole new level here. They was trying to knock my crown off. But not one time did I back down … Nor did I get scare! Them came so close in on us to thee one was face to face with him and I was head first all in his face. And would yah believe that instead of these officers coming to stand with us or provide some type of barrier to keep these aggressive white meh off us three women, black women, one being ay at least 55-60 of age, they exactly came down to guard they people. Even so I continued to stand my ground until I was thee last one stand !!! I mean wow its like they created ay cage around us at ay zoo, video taping, saying horrible things to us. And yet I stood there alone to thee end , until no one left … BLACK & STILL PROUD.
By:Patina Bella