A Pleasant breeze across the clear blue sky accompanied by the sounds of gunfire and sirens have become to well known as a everyday lifestyle in the urban streets today. In many countries around the world towns and villages are in complete ruins never to be populated again because of war.
Poverty is a type of war that is a constant battle within our communities, fought by the community against the community designed by those who seek to control the masses. Tragically many communities are part of statistics viewed and categorized as savaged occupancy to be eradicated. Malice attacks on our own people are overwhelmingly increasing due to today’s criteria of living. Mourning the loss of life over unnecessary circumstances continue to be a struggle,this doesn’t justify the slaughter of communities by the hands of the police. Police agencies across the country are viewed as Op’s due to the growing epidemic called “Hustlin”. Some of our relatives are police and correctional officers that have the same fears we face living in America today, whether or not survival is guaranteed.