Two different black men murdered by police…in less than a week….many of us know this is wrong….many of us want to know what we can do….some of us are frustrated because marching protesting praying an voting havent worked for us…..well here is one thing we can do…we can fight back economically…..here is how….you know all those white people an even some black people…who be on facebook in support of police officers who shoot black people….an even some of them who financially donate money to help with court cost for police who kill black people…..well here is what we do….
many of these folk have their personal information on fb….find out where these people work….no matter what business it is or for…..call an email that business an let them know they will no longer have your business because they employ people (give the actual name of the person in question if you can) who support the police who murder unarmed black people…..
find out the different businesses an organizations that are supporting these officers….let us boycott them as well…an let them know why….
MATTER FACT WE BOYCOTT ANY BUSINESS THAT SUPPORTS POLICE SHOOTINGS OF BLACK PEOPLE…….an period let us boycott all non black owned business as much as we can….only buy things that is of necessity…such as your light bill an gas bill….everything else…BOYCOTT….
we can all do this black people…this is something each an every one of you can do…all it takes is a little time an research…..dont just get on facebook an argue with racist….find out where these racist work….try an get them fired…an stop spending money with places that employ racist…
We all are capable of fighting back financially my people….