Im glad Melanie Trump copied/plagerized First Lady Michelle Obama’s 2008 Democratic Convention Speech….HERE IS WHY——-
You know why im glad that Melanie Trump plagerized stole an rearranged Michelle Obama’s speech….because this should show all black people what white people have been doing for years…..This is what us conscious black folks be talking about when we tell you how white people plagerized an rearranged the bible….black people created spirituality…an we had millions of writtings in stone an on papyrus an other forms that detailed our spirituality….white people stole it…plagerized it….an rearranged many things….an then told you GOD was white an all the righteous an important people in the bible were white….
BUT AS YOU SEE…WHITE PEOPLE LIE…WHITE PEOPLE STEAL OUR STUFF AN ACT LIKE THEY MADE IT UP……they been doing this an still doing it….wake up my people
By:Ra DaGriot