At this crucial juncture, it is vital to insert that the foundations of governance in thee United States is based on and derived from, the original spiritual belief system of ancient Kemet/Egypt, especially the role of numbers 7 and 13 and the use of symbols.
By way of elucidation, the spiritual significance of number 7 is that it denotes completion, while 13 denotes transformation, resurrection, new life and rebirth.
Now, the United States achieved its independence on 4 July 1776. The choice of the month of July by the European founding fathers of the United States denotes that in July (7th month of the year), they completed their armed revolution/struggle for independence from Euro-colonial Britain. The choice of the 4th of July denotes that on that day, the United States was transformed from a colony of Britain to a sovereign independent nation-state; in addition, the 4th July falls within the summer solstice of ancient Kemet/Egypt which runs/lasts from 21 June – 4 July, a period of 13 days. It is no accident, therefore, that the European founding fathers of the United States specifically choose this day to coincide with the spiritual belief system/blessing/protection/guidance of ancient Kemet. Moreover, the choice of 1776 denotes that 7 plus 6 also equals 13. So the European founding fathers of the United States purposely veiled/shrouded their new State in the swaddling clothes of ancient Kemet/Egypt.
In addition, the 13th amendment of the U.S. constitution freed the slaves; this denotes that this amendment gave the slaves a “new life” as freed men; when the United States achieved its independence, there were only 13 colonies – accident? This denotes that there was a “rebirth” in this former colony of Britain.
Furthermore, the most powerful political weapon in the armory of the United States, namely, the official seal of the government, has 13 layers – accident? The most powerful economic weapon in the armory of the United States, the one dollar bill, bears a picture of the ancient Kemetic/Egyptian pyramid with 13 layers; there is also the eye of the Kemetic God Heru (called Horus by the Greeks and Jesus by Christians) as the all-seeing eye for protection -accident?
In terms of symbols, there is a stone monument in Washington, D.C. mistakenly called the “Washington monument.” Now, this monument has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the European founding father of the United States, George Washington. This stone monument is directly connected/related to the ancient Kemetic/Egyptian spiritual phenomenon known as the “Osirian Drama.”
In other words, in keeping with the ancient Kemetic/Egyptian spiritual belief system, the Washington monument denotes that even though President George Washington is physically dead, he is still spiritually alive to govern and oversee the nation ad infinitum – the lifetime of stone is infinite.
In terms of symbols, the colors red, white and blue of the US flag that symbolizes the American sign of global power and control are derived from the original ancient Kemetic/Egyptian Red Crown of the South, White Crown of the North and the Blue Crown of War that symbolized the system of governance, communal way of life and being as a result of the unification of Upper and Lower Kemet/Egypt by Pharaoh Narmer in 3200 B.C. The ideas of “government of the people, by the people and for the people” also came out of this ancient system and not from the thought process of President Thomas Jefferson. These original ideas/ideals came out of the system of governance and decision-making called Afrikan Communalism in ancient Kemet.
By:French Bella