Blessed Love, to all the Empress out there who desire to walk the path of Your Royal Highness, Empress Menen, Wife of King Selassie I. The Rastafari Livity is the light for the spiritual woman who desires to live virtuous, loving and Jahly. May Jah guide you on this journey. Don’t forget to read Rasta way of life for more guidance. One Love.
Empress speech and words
Curse Words – A Rastafari woman does not use curse words. If she does she apologizes to Jah and those inher presence. (“Sorry Jah, Sorry guys”)
Sexual Life – A Rastafari woman does not speak of her sexual life (style)
Genitalia Words – A Rastafari woman does not use slang words to refer to the genitalia.
Arguing – A Rastafari woman does not argue back and forth, rather allows the other person to be right or to feel that they are right, in order that we avoid arguments and represent Jah at all times.
Empress Clothing and Attire
Only Skirts – It is encouraged that Rastafari women were strictly skirts. This is seen as embracing the feminine quality as we steer away from emulating the appearance of men (which “emulation” is a sin in the bible)
Pants as disrespect – Some Rastafari women do wear pants but it is highly discouraged and seen as disrespect to the faith, and he Creator who designed you as a woman.
Babylon Colors For Clothing – Rasta women may wear any colors except for pink, blue and purple. Red Yellow Green Black and White are encouraged, as these are Rasta Colors.
Hats and head wraps – A hat may be worn on days when hair is not wrapped. This is to cover the root of the dreadlocks, the most important part of the energy which leaves the head. If a head wrap cannot be worn, a hat is encouraged. Dreadlocks of an Empress uncovered may be seen as “slack.” and not upholding the faith.
Raising Rasta Children
Empress Children must be Rastafari too – It is the duty of all Rastafari Mothers to Raise their Children as Rastafari.
Ital Food – Cooking Ital (Vegan) Food for children, No meat.
bible Readings – encouraging Children to Read the holy Christian Bible, King James Version
African Culture – Teaching them about African Roots and Culture
Rastafari Royalty – Teaching them about the Life of His Imperial Majesty and (his wife) Empress Menen
Regarding your Kingman
Second Leader of the Household – Empress Allow Kingman to be the leader of the household and of the family. He has the final say.
Allows Kingman to make decisions – Empress Supports Kingman in his decision-making, concerning children and household.
Keep house – Keeps the house clean and tidy, as a Mother and Wife of Rastafari livity Representing Empress Menen.
Cooking Duties – Cooking duties are decided between Empress and your Kingman.
Quiet and Virtuous – Is humble, dresses modest, and stays quiet when guests come over unless she is spoken too. Reads her bible “I-Tinuosly” Seeking the heart of a Jah fearing woman.Read how to become a rasta.
Encourages Love & Unity – Encourages Love & Unity with family members and other Rastafari friends, by providing a home where Rastafari friends and family feel welcome to eat, sleep and “Reason.”
Rasta woman Makeup and Hair
Holy Dreadlocks Covered – As Empress, Hair (Dreadlocks) is considered holy and must be covered in public places, where there are others not of Rastafari Livity.
No Curling – Dreadlocks are not to be curled with curling Iron or curlers. Braiding for a little crinkle is ok, but not encouraged
Natural Hair Color – Dreadlocks may be dyed only in the natural color. No blonde, or Red etc.
Natural Makeup/Natural Beauty – Makeup may be worn but only in Natural and neutral colors for special occasions. As a Rasta Empress it is preferred to let your natural beauty shine
Babylon Makeup Colors – Rasta women do not wear pink, or purple Lipstick, makeup or anything else in these colors. These colors are considered “Babylon.” These colors often provoke sexual attention, and cause women to appear as women do as street walkers etc.
Red is Rastafari – Red makeup is ok as it is considered one of the (Holy) Colors of the Rastafari Livity, (Red Yellow and Green) Yes, green and yellow are ok too. But, only for work or special occasions. Other times Empress allow Jah beauty to shine – natural.
Empress Entertainment And Friendship
All Rasta Empress are a representation of Empress Menen, wife of King Selassie I.
Friendships – Empress may not be in friendship with others who are
Babylon Gossips
Babylon fornicator
Babylon Adulterers
Babylon Pagan
Babylon Drug Addicts
Babylon Thieves
Bars not allowed – Empress Does not drink Alcohol or smoke cigarettes, or go to bars.
Rastafari Empress Entertainment – A Rastafari Empress entertainment is her family and her bible. She is allowed to watch historical African Documentaries, Including on the life of Haile Selassie I, Marcus Garvey, Malcolm X, Rosa Parks etc.
Empress Music – Rasta Empress does not listen to hip hop or Rock and Roll. strictly Roots and Culture Music, and Rastafari Reggae music. Dancehall Reggae is not allowed. Read Rasta Way of Life.
By Maintaining love and Respect for Children, Kingman and household we as Empress show more love to Jah, as we appreciate his creations.
Love. King Selassie I.
By:Molly Lean