I can’t help but think of the many people who lost their lives today in the Tulsa race riots. Im deeply saddened by what occurred during this actual time 95 years ago. I am glad that after all the years I’ve known of this horrible tragedy I did finally get to visit the last remaining buildings of the town of Greenwood, and the Greenwood Cultural Center. But I can’t help but feel emotional. These were my people that worked to build up a fully functioning community after the hundreds of years of slavery prior. These people had banks, grocery stores, doctors offices, real estate offices, a bus system, schools, dental offices, law firms, trucking companies, auto shops, and many other businesses. And it was all destroyed over a little incident that couldve been resolved without violence. But instead these evil people killed a entire town of innocent people. Here we are 95 years after the fact and the town was never even rebuilt and nobody even talks about it. Its not even taught to our children. Which is so frieghtening because it can happen again at anytime. In my opinion the Tulsa race riots were the most horrific crimes done to our people. On top of that these people never even got insurance claims acknowledged let alone paid. Its very disturbing to think that something like this could even happen and then be swept under the rug. So today i want each and everyone who is a member to go out and support any black owned business you can find. Not for me but for the people who will never get to, because their lives were taken for nothing. Please support a black owned business because if there is nothing that we haven’t learned from all this. Know that it can be taken away again. Don’t take for granted the littlest thing because the minute you do we all lose. It was a bittersweet trip. I gained so much information, but we all have to do our part in making sure the people of Greenwood didn’t die in vain. Its a sad day for me to imagine all those people who were massacerd for nothing. If that doesn’t make you wanna be aware of where you spend your black dollars then I don’t know what will. I will forever have a hole in my heart for those people, and I vow to never forget or let up on this movement. Please try to have a blessed day and if you aren’t going to patronize a black owned business at least take a few moments out of your day to remember those that were lost in the town of Greenwood. May we never forget the Black Wall St.
#BlackDollarsMatter365 — feeling emotional.
By:Stefan Self Ruler West