The things we have to go through as black people. We fight to be considered equal in this great place we call home (America).The same home which we where brought to by force so many years ago and forced to help build it without any recognition of our part in its structure. We get locked away at any moment with the promise that THEY will rehabilitate us make us better to fit into society (theirs). The same society which programed us as we are. I can not see how this can be done its seems ignorant on the behalf of Them, to claim rehabilitation tactics just to be politically correct and unseen by their peers as what it is, modern day slavery.
The rehabilitation fails do to fact it’s not set up to work for us it’s set up to control and dominant a entire race,Our race the black race! The question I ask my people is how can we continue to give Them what they want,by killing each other with our on hands? They enjoy every moment that We kill each other by our hands it makes it better to them so they want look bad in society’s eyes(their eyes). Doesn’t it look like they see greatness in us and fear that one day We to will see it also? They laugh right in front of our faces berating our intelligence because they are so much more superior!
By: AlleyPoet