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ONCE again the powers that be

ONCE again the powers that be are giving us a “milestone president”….which psychologically tricks us into thinking we the people pick the president when in actuality the president is already chosen by the powers that be, an we are conditioned through news an political media to believe the decision was ours instead of already being made for us…..

what is a “milestone president” you ask???…..well a milestone president is a presidential candidate that has something about them that would be a first as a U.S.A president….which tricks the masses into thinking if they are picked that change an progression has occured in this country…a milestone….when really things stay the same an we all continue to be kept in control….

They have used this tactic…quite often…here are a few of the most noteable examples….

John F. Kennedy…..he was a milestone president….because he was “the first Irish Catholic president”…..JFK however is the exception because he became aware of the secret controlling hand of the elite…an tried to speak out on them an disobey their orders…which is why JFK was assassinated

Barrack H. Obama…he was a milestone president…..because he was “the first BLACK president “….which tricked the masses into thinking racism was dead in America…an it also gave whites the ability to more openly falsely accuse BLACK PEOPLE of reverse racism an perpetual complaining….because how can there be a such thing as an organized institution of racism against black people…if the president is black 😐…..

AN NOW…..they are about to give us Hillary Clinton…”the first FEMALE president”……an the american people will go along with it thinking that by having Hillary we will have achieved gender equality an overall moral social progression as a country… actuality Hillary is directly controlled by the elite an through her this country will be plunged into more war/anarchy an racial/social division
…we will be further pushed to the brink of a race war….an possibly be pushed into another WORLD WAR

By:Ra DaGriot

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