This morning I fainted.
At 5:00 am…I get out of bed, say my morning prayers, and walk towards the bathroom to begin the morning routine.
Once there, I cut on the light in the toilet area and there on the floor and toilet seat are bright red blood drops and even more blood on toilet paper inside of the toilet!
Suddenly, my stomach starts to cramp and I feel extreme dizziness right before I completely black out.
I awake to find myself on the bathroom floor.
My head is throbbing and I can’t believe what has just occurred. Never in my life have I fainted before, but the sight of the blood along with the crazy thoughts going through my mind all at the same time was just too overwhelming for my brain to bear and my body just completely shutdown!
I wasn’t ready for the blood and where I thought it came from.
I just wasn’t ready…
It all started last August at the girls’ annual check up. The pediatrician informed me that
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