(Warning: Spoiler Alert)
Ok i literally just watched Batman VS Superman. It wasnt terrible, but wasnt really good either, especially in light of all the hype and anticipation. For the average action movie fan its ok, but it is a real let down from a comic geek point of view, especially if you are a novic or die hard DC comics fan. In my opinion the reason why it has received bad reviews from some comic fans is because Batman VS Superman makes the same mistake that so many other comic book movies have made; IT TRIES TO DO TOO MUCH.
Instead of staying simple an trying to tell one linear story, the movie bites off more than it can chew, and tries to squeez several stories into one movie, which ultimately causes the movie to fail at effectively telling any of the stories in a truly fulfilling manner.
For comic fans very familiar with the DC comic universe, we are tantalized by seeing several different classic DC comic storylines in one epic movie. Elements from the DARK KNIGHT RETURNS storyline, the DOOMSDAY storyline, and the DEATH OF SUPERMAN storyline, are all packed into this movie.
However that is the main problem, instead of this movie franchise taking its time to tell each of these great stories, it crams them all into one movie. My only guess is DC is trying to catch up to Marvel and their comic book movie sucess, and DC is trying to hurry things along to set up a JUSTICE LEAGUE movie. And as of right now, DC still has alot of catching up to do, and trying to rush things will only cause them to crank out more lack luster movies.
Kids who are fans of Batman or Superman will like the movie, although the movie has a slow build up in the begining which may cause some children to get fidgety and restless. Furthermore the movie has some very dark elements an subject matter that parents may have to explain to their children afterwards.
Affleck’s performance as Batman decent but unimpressive
Henry Cavil’s performance as Superman is very flat, which severly hinders the audience from having any real emotional response when Superman dies at the end
Wonder Woman was a decent addition to the movie, but her character was very underdeveloped, but she does shine in the fight against DOOMSDAY at the movies climax
DOOMSDAY – Complete let down, the movie completly screwed up the whole doomsday origin an concept. Its true that comic movies cant always stay faithful to the comic book stories they are based on, an have to change somethings…but the changes they made for Doomsday completely suck
Lex Luther was a let down. He seem to be a lil bit more of a eccentric billionaire slash hair brain scheme planning Joker esque type, than the brilliant manipulative cold calculating mastermind that lex luther of the comic books is. Total let down
Also very uncharacteristic portrayals of both Batman and Superman. Batman does not kill nor use guns but the movie portrays him as if he does, and Superman is not so ambivalent to the damage he causes others, but he is in this movie.
I did like the brief cameos of the Flash Cyborg an Aquaman, but I still felt like it was crammed in to help rush to a Justice League movie.
Overall I give Batman VS Superman a
I look forward to more movies in the franchise, but DC has to learn from its mistakes and it makes plenty in this movie.
(i will have more thoughts an commentary about the movie an some of its hidden symbolism from an african centered conscious perspective…in the comments below later)