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Home > FASHION > Today’s music artists are used solely to feminize the black male image

Today’s music artists are used solely to feminize the black male image

Before I write this, keep in mind This is not up for a debate! (At Least not with me)
Today’s music artists are used solely to feminize the black male image

Subliminal not out right

There is a book (I can’t remember where I read it) that lists the objectives of white supremecy

One thing on the list I do remember was to feminize the black male image.

Sagging was only the START, notice how as the years go by, the pants get lower and lower

That’s because their goal is to have the BLACK MALE OUT of the pants…and into a DRESS

If you think I’m being extreme, take a scroll through IG or Facebook…all you see is STRAIGHT men in wigs or acting overly feminine. And those are the ones with the most likes

I know I’m going to catch some heat for this, but we need to cut this sh*t …BRING BACK THE STRONG BLACK MALE IMAGE

These young men copy everything they SEE and HEAR, not knowing that every trend is something that has been orchestrated #dropsmic ✌🏾️

BY:Ashley Nelson

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